Trybula Foundation, Inc.

Assisting Businesses Addressing Technology

Our Services

The Trybula Foundation is a technology-business support organization. Technology issues are always a concern for a business. The questions of "How does the technology, especially emergent technologies, fit into current business plans?" and "How will it impact the bottom line?" are key considerations for investigating emerging or novel technologies. The answers are not always obvious and the path for selection is not straightforward. Many a business has failed due to attempting efforts beyond their capability. The Foundation personnel have been through this process numerous times. We can assist in exploring the choices available and aid the determination of the challenges that lie ahead in transitioning the technology to manufacturing.

The workforce issue has become the strangle hold on rapid development of businesses.  We understand that.  When a trained workforce is not available, costs skyrocket, customers become unhappy, and the business suffers.  In a large number of situations, the workforce development effort can effectively start with certificate or workshop training lasting 2 to 6 weeks. A six-week focused effort is a viable solution to obtain the key elements of the workforce required.  And, it is usually found, that, as employees enter the workforce, in an industry matched to their interests that the impetus for additional learning and skills increase.  Hence, minimally trained workers move up the scale in terms of knowledge and contribution.


The Foundation works with organizations in the management and operation of selected research and development efforts directed at emerging or novel technologies. We also work with institutions of higher learning to foster educational programs and to promote efforts directed at commercialization of developing technologies. With our collaborative efforts with the Newberry Technology Associates, we are now addressing the local needs of skilled workforce employees.  The programs can be tailored for a specific region, a specific technology, or developed for only internal use within a company.  The size and scope of these efforts will determine the amount of the Foundation's involvement. For information pertaining to these types of programs, please contact the Foundation.


When technology meets business, the intersection is rarely smooth. The Foundation specializes in paving new paths for businesses. Each situation is unique and normally a combination of multiple factors. The Foundation employs its expertise to provide guidance and ideas in the following areas:

  • Quick reaction analysis
    • Evaluate emerging situations
    • Analyze technical/business directions
    • Proposal or planned program reviews
    • Review existing strategic plans
    • Evaluate business opportunities
  • Program reviews
    • Detailed analysis of technology plans
    • Analysis of technology competency
    • Technology capabilities
  • Advisory efforts
    • Continuing analysis of business/technology plans
    • High level review on business/technology development
    • Support in developing strategic plans
    • Analysis of manufacturing capability and applicability to developmental efforts
    • Analysis of technology plans and efforts to move into new technologies
    • Analysis of potential cost effectiveness design/systems optimization
  • Program direction
    • Support of ongoing program efforts, including review meetings, presentations to customers
    • Guidance/development of strategic plans and implementation

Contact us directly for more information.

Speaking Engagements

The primary spokesperson for the Foundation is Walt Trybula, Ph.D., MBA, IEEE Fellow, SPIE Fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. His bio is linked to this page for further details of his background. Arrangements can be made for keynote addresses and related presentations. Please contact Dr. Trybula directly for further information.